哥伦布南部有4人被枪杀;所有人都在稳定条件下住院治疗。 Four people were shot in south Columbus; all are hospitalized with stable conditions.
四人星期天清晨在哥伦布南部 帕森斯大道1700号街 被枪杀 Four people were shot early Sunday morning in south Columbus on the 1700 block of Parsons Avenue. 所有受害者都得到稳定条件的住院治疗。 All victims were hospitalized with stable conditions. 哥伦布警察局正在调查这一事件,尚未发现任何嫌疑人。 The Columbus Police Department is investigating the incident, with no suspects identified yet. 目击者报告说,枪击发生时,里面有一大群人。 Witnesses reported a large group inside when the shooting occurred.