Acadiana Mall因一名武装人员的虚假报道而撤离;警察说,没有开枪射击。 Acadiana Mall evacuated over false reports of an armed individual; no shots fired, police say.
Lafayette的Acadiana Mall在星期四被疏散,因为据报可能有一名武装人员引起一名枪手的担忧。 Acadiana Mall in Lafayette was evacuated Thursday after reports of a possible armed individual led to concerns of an active shooter. 尽管社会媒体报道和目击者说有枪声,但警察证实没有开枪,也没有报告有人受伤。 Despite social media reports and eyewitness accounts suggesting gunfire, police confirmed no shots were fired, and no injuries were reported. 当局对商场进行了彻底搜查,但未发现有枪击迹象。 Authorities conducted a thorough search of the mall but found no evidence of gunfire. 这种状况造成了恐慌和相互矛盾的最新消息,执法人员仍留在现场进行调查和确保公共安全。 The situation caused panic and conflicting updates, with law enforcement remaining on-site to investigate and ensure public safety. 建议公众在调查完成之前避开该地区。 The public is advised to avoid the area until the investigation is complete.