99% 的津巴布韦学校接受津巴布韦金 (ZiG) 支付学费,表明了人们对新货币的信心。 99% of Zimbabwean schools accept Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) for fees, signaling confidence in the new currency.
新学期开始时,99% 的津巴布韦学校接受以津巴布韦金(ZiG)支付学费和杂费,表明人们对该国新货币充满信心。 99% of Zimbabwean schools accepted tuition fees and levies in Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) at the start of the new term, indicating strong confidence in the country's new currency. 政府官员对这种广泛接受表示赞赏,强调教育部门对新货币体系的遵守和信任。 Government officials praised this widespread acceptance, highlighting the education sector's compliance and trust in the new monetary system. 仅有的几所私立学校是例外,省级主管部门正在处理这一问题。 A few private schools are the only exceptions, with provincial directors addressing the issue.