贝里恩县检察官史蒂夫·皮尔兰杰利 (Steve Pierangeli) 辞职并加入一家私人公司,该任命将于六月初生效。 Berrien County Prosecutor Steve Pierangeli resigns to join a private firm, effective early June.
自 2004 年起任职的贝里恩县检察官史蒂夫·皮尔兰杰利 (Steve Pierangeli) 感谢委员会在他任职期间给予的支持。 Berrien County Prosecutor Steve Pierangeli, who served since 2004, thanked the Board of Commissioners for their support during his tenure. 他将辞去检察官职务,加入本顿港的一家私人公司,专注于商业法和遗产规划,六月初将是他作为检察官的最后一天。 He is stepping down to join a private firm in Benton Harbor, focusing on business law and estate planning, with his last day as prosecutor in early June. 董事会主席麦克·埃利奥特 (Mac Elliott) 称赞皮尔安杰利在检察官办公室保持了卓越的传统。 Board Chair Mac Elliott praised Pierangeli for maintaining a tradition of excellence at the prosecutor's office.