印第安纳州拉波特县警官贾森·雅格尔斯基 (Jason Yagelski) 被捕,被控幽灵雇佣、官员不当行为以及谎称多个同时工作时间的欺诈罪。 LaPorte County, Indiana officer Jason Yagelski arrested, charged with ghost employment, official misconduct, and fraud for falsely claiming multiple concurrent work hours.
印第安纳州拉波特县警官杰森·雅格尔斯基 (Jason Yagelski) 因谎称在波塔瓦托米公园 (Pottawattomie Park)、特雷尔克里克 (Trail Creek) 和长滩警察局同时工作,收取非工作时间报酬而被捕,并被指控从事幽灵雇佣、官员不当行为和欺诈罪。 LaPorte County, Indiana police officer Jason Yagelski was arrested and charged with ghost employment, official misconduct, and fraud for falsely claiming to work hours simultaneously at the Pottawattomie Park, Trail Creek, and Long Beach Police Departments, receiving payment for unworked hours. 雅格尔斯基是波塔瓦托米公园警察局的首席元帅,在被关押到拉波特县监狱后目前正在保释中。 Yagelski, the Chief Marshal of Pottawattomie Park Police Department, is currently out on bond after being booked into the La Porte County Jail.