Bryan Gonzales警官在调查指控官方不当行为时辞职。 Pueblo police officer Bryan Gonzales resigns amid investigation into alleged official misconduct.
普韦布洛警官布莱恩·冈萨雷斯 (Bryan Gonzales) 因正在进行的对涉嫌一级官员不当行为的调查而面临解雇。 Pueblo police officer Bryan Gonzales resigned before facing termination over an ongoing investigation into alleged first-degree official misconduct. 该部已将行政调查转交科罗拉多POST审查,而刑事调查仍在继续,将由第10司法区检察官办公室审查。 The department has forwarded the administrative investigation to the Colorado POST for review, while the criminal investigation continues and will be reviewed by the 10th Judicial District Attorney's Office. 尚未披露具体细节或指控。 No specific details or charges have been disclosed yet.