密苏里州上诉法院规则州长可以任命下一位圣路易斯州检察官。 Missouri appeals court rules governor can appoint next St. Louis County prosecutor.
密苏里的一个上诉法院裁定,总督Mike Parson有权任命下一位圣路易斯县检察官,而不是县行政官。 An appeals court in Missouri has ruled that Governor Mike Parson has the authority to appoint the next St. Louis County prosecutor, rather than the county executive. 该决定授权Parson任命助理检察官Melissa Price Smith填补Wesley Bell的空缺,Wesley Bell当选为国会议员。 This decision grants Parson the power to appoint Melissa Price Smith, an assistant prosecuting attorney, to fill the vacancy left by Wesley Bell, who was elected to Congress. 这项裁决影响到密苏里州租船州的任命程序,并结束了州和县领导人之间的法律争端。 The ruling affects appointment processes in Missouri's charter counties and ends the legal dispute between state and county leaders.