瑞士钟表公司首席执行官呼吁重新考虑对游客征收增值税,称这会对英国的销售产生负面影响。 Watches of Switzerland CEO calls for VAT tax reconsideration for tourists, citing negative impact on UK sales.
瑞士钟表公司首席执行官布莱恩·达菲 (Brian Duffy) 敦促政府重新考虑对游客征收增值税,并指出这会对英国的销售产生负面影响。 Watches of Switzerland CEO Brian Duffy urges government to reconsider VAT tax for tourists, stating it is negatively impacting UK sales. 该公司报告称,截至 4 月 30 日的季度收入增长 4%,至 3.8 亿英镑,但由于“宏观经济条件严峻”,英国和欧洲的收入下降了 4%。 The company reported a 4% rise in revenue to £380m for the quarter to April 30, but revenue in the UK and Europe fell by 4% amid "challenging macroeconomic conditions." 拥有 Goldsmiths 和 Mayors 连锁店的瑞士钟表集团 (Watches of Switzerland) 对明年的前景表示乐观,因为其集团收入预计将增长 4%。 Watches of Switzerland, which also owns Goldsmiths and Mayors chains, expressed optimism for the next year as they posted a growth of 4% in group revenue.