印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛洪水造成数十人失踪。 Dozen missing due to flash floods in Sumatra island, Indonesia.
印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛因暴雨和寒冷的熔岩流引发洪水,至少造成 37 人死亡,十多人失踪。 At least 37 people were killed and over a dozen others were missing after heavy rains and cold lava flow triggered flash floods in Indonesia's Sumatra island. 季风降雨和马拉皮山泥石流引发的洪水卷走了受灾地区的人员,并淹没了 100 多座房屋和建筑物。 The floods, caused by monsoon rains and a mudslide from Mount Marapi, swept away people and submerged over 100 houses and buildings in the affected districts. 冷熔岩,也称为火山泥流,是火山物质和鹅卵石的混合物,随着雨水从火山山坡上流下,造成了致命的洪水。 Cold lava, also known as lahar, is a mixture of volcanic material and pebbles that flow down a volcano's slopes in the rain, contributing to the deadly floods.