南塔帕努利的暴洪造成两人死亡,随着雨季警报持续,村民流离失所。 Flash flood in South Tapanuli kills two, displaces villagers as rainy season warnings persist.
在印度尼西亚南塔帕努利(South Tapanuli)爆发暴洪, 造成两人死亡, A flash flood in South Tapanuli, Indonesia, killed two people and affected three villages after heavy rain on Friday night. 国家灾害管理局设立了一个临时疏散中心,并分发了紧急用品。 The National Disaster Management Agency set up a temporary evacuation center and distributed emergency supplies. 气象局警告说,由于2024年11月至2025年雨季高峰,可能发生灾害,目前正在进行搜索和救援工作。 The Meteorology Agency warned of potential disasters due to the peak rainy season from November 2024 to 2025, and search and rescue efforts are ongoing.