Key Hunter 的支持者寻求在联邦预算中提供教育支持。 Key Hunter advocates seek education support in the federal budget.
Key Hunter 的倡导者呼吁在即将到来的联邦预算中在住房供应、清洁能源和教育方面取得进展,以实现区域经济繁荣。 Key Hunter advocates urge progress on housing supply, clean energy, and education in the upcoming federal budget, aiming for regional economic prosperity. 财政部长吉姆·查尔默斯 (Jim Chalmers) 在下次联邦选举之前的预算将支持“未来澳大利亚制造”的国内制造业补贴计划以及与各州达成的 93 亿美元住房协议。 Treasurer Jim Chalmers' budget, before the next federal election, will support the Future Made in Australia subsidy program for domestic manufacturing and a $9.3B housing agreement with states. 亨特委员会和亨特商业认为,增加住房、培训、教育和清洁能源计划与平稳摆脱煤炭转型相一致。 The Committee for the Hunter and Business Hunter believe that increased housing, training, education, and clean energy initiatives align with a smooth transition away from coal.