澳大利亚计划提供137亿美元的税收抵免,以促进绿色氢和重要矿物工业。 Australia plans $13.7 billion in tax credits to boost green hydrogen and critical minerals industries.
澳大利亚财务主任吉姆·查莫斯计划向议会引入137亿美元的生产税抵免,目的是促进该国的绿色氢和关键矿物工业。 Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers plans to introduce $13.7 billion in production tax credits to parliament, aiming to boost the country's green hydrogen and critical minerals industries. 这些激励措施是劳工政府《澳大利亚未来生产》一揽子计划的一部分,包括为加工关键矿物和稀土提供10%的退款,为可再生氢生产提供每公斤2美元。 The incentives, part of the Labor government's Future Made in Australia package, include a 10% refund for processing critical minerals and rare earths and $2 per kilogram for renewable hydrogen production. 西澳大利亚矿产与能源商会支持这一举动, The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia supports the move, saying it will "level the playing field" in the global market. 绿党将根据其案情对立法进行评估。 The Greens will assess the legislation on its merits.