美国特种作战领导人决定裁减 5,000 名士兵。 US special operations leaders adapt to reduce forces by 5,000.
美国特种作战领导人正在从乌克兰战争中吸取教训,适应用更少的资源做更多的事情。 US special operations leaders are adapting to do more with less, learning from the war in Ukraine. 他们一方面需要为其队伍增添更多高科技专家,另一方面需要在未来五年内裁减约 5,000 名士兵。 They are juggling the need to add more high-tech experts to their teams while cutting overall forces by approximately 5,000 troops in the next five years. 相互冲突的压力要求对突击队进行更广泛的重组,这些突击队通常被部署在世界各地执行高风险的反恐任务和其他敏感行动。 The conflicting pressures require a broader restructuring of the commando teams, often deployed for high-risk counterterrorism missions and other sensitive operations worldwide.