波兰农民在华沙抗议欧盟的绿色协议,由团结工会牵头,声称其干涉且成本高昂。 Polish farmers protested in Warsaw against the EU's Green Deal, led by Solidarity trade union, claiming interference and high costs.
数千名波兰农民在华沙抗议旨在使农业更加气候友好的欧盟绿色协议。 Thousands of Polish farmers protested in Warsaw against the European Union's (EU) Green Deal, which aims to make agriculture more climate-friendly. 此次游行由团结工会组织,该工会是一个农民工会,反对欧盟的农业政策,特别是绿色协议。 The march was organized by Solidarity, a farmers' trade union that opposes the EU's farming policies, particularly the Green Deal. 农民认为这些政策干扰了他们的工作并给他们带来了高昂的成本。 Farmers argue that the policies interfere with their work and impose high costs on them. 此次抗议也表明了他们对总理唐纳德·塔斯克领导的亲欧盟政府的反对。 The protest also demonstrates their opposition to the pro-EU government led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk.