法国农民封锁巴黎的政府大楼, 抗议欧盟贸易协议及监管限制。 French farmers block government buildings in Paris, protesting EU trade deal and regulatory constraints.
法国农民通过封锁巴黎政府大楼(包括食品安全局和农业研究机构)的入口进行抗议, French farmers are protesting by blocking entrances to government buildings in Paris, including the food safety agency and agricultural research institute, citing regulatory constraints that hinder production. 他们反对计划中的欧盟-南方自由贸易协议,担心它将使市场充斥着来自规则不那么严格的国家的廉价产品。 They oppose a planned EU-Mercosur free trade deal, fearing it will flood the market with cheaper produce from countries with less stringent rules. 这些抗议被农业部长安妮·日内瓦德谴责为对财产的攻击, 也凸显了对杀虫剂等产品的限制, The protests, condemned by Agriculture Minister Annie Genevard as attacks on property, also highlight restrictions on products like insecticides, which farmers say cause significant productivity losses.