欧洲农民封锁边境并抗议欧盟农业政策。 European farmers block borders and protest against EU agricultural policies.
欧洲农民封锁道路、占领荷兰和比利时边境,并在希腊和布鲁塞尔举行抗议活动,这是针对农产品价格下跌和过度繁文缛节的示威浪潮的一部分。 European farmers block roads, occupy the Dutch-Belgian border, and protest in Greece and Brussels as part of a growing wave of demonstrations over farming price drops and excessive red tape. 法国、比利时、西班牙和意大利的抗议活动涉及农民驾驶拖拉机前往政府大楼,并使用粪便作为对抗警察的武器。 Protests in France, Belgium, Spain, and Italy involve farmers driving tractors to government buildings and using manure as a weapon against police. 抗议活动是针对繁琐的法规和低成本进口产品(尤其是来自乌克兰的进口产品)的回应,这些进口产品正在影响农民的收入。欧盟农业部长正在开会讨论解决危机的潜在解决方案。 The protests are in response to burdensome regulations and low-cost imports, particularly from Ukraine, which are affecting farmers' income.EU agriculture ministers are meeting to discuss potential solutions to the crisis.