校车失灵扰乱了自闭症青少年的日常生活 引发了母亲的公开批评 School bus failures disrupt autistic teen's routine, prompting mother's public criticism.
自2023年9月23日以来,一辆为自闭症青少年服务的校车经常迟到或缺席,扰乱了学生的日常生活和情感安康。 Since September 2023, a school bus serving a teenager with autism has been frequently late or absent, disrupting the student's routine and emotional well-being. 尽管教育管理局道歉,并将延误归咎于工作人员生病、机械问题和天气,但受影响青少年的母亲Catherine Williamson对这项服务仍然持批评态度。 Despite the Education Authority (EA) apologizing and attributing delays to staff sickness, mechanical issues, and weather, the mother of the affected teen, Catherine Williamson, remains critical of the service. EA承诺改善沟通,制定应急计划,但Catherine通过社交媒体强调其他家庭面临的类似问题。 The EA has promised to improve communication and develop contingency plans, but Catherine has highlighted similar issues faced by other families through social media.