30 岁的 Jairyn Blackwell 在斯普林菲尔德镇斯普林代尔路被枪杀;警方正在调查。 30-year-old Jairyn Blackwell was fatally shot on Springdale Road, Springfield Township; police investigating.
周四,30 岁的 Jairyn Blackwell 在斯普林菲尔德镇斯普林代尔路的车辆中被枪杀身亡。 30-year-old Jairyn Blackwell was fatally shot in his vehicle on Springdale Road, Springfield Township on Thursday. 下午 1 点 35 分,警方发现他身中多枪,并将他送往辛辛那提大学医院,并在那里被宣布死亡。 Police found him with multiple gunshot wounds at 1:35 p.m. and transported him to the University of Cincinnati Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. 斯普林菲尔德镇警察局目前正在调查此事,并要求任何了解情况的人拨打 (513) 352-3040 与他们联系。 The Springfield Township Police Department is currently investigating the incident and have asked anyone with information to contact them at (513) 352-3040.