警方正在调查,19 岁的马修·钱尼 (Matthew Chaney) 被发现死于苗圃街 (Nursery Street)。 19-year-old Matthew Chaney found dead with gunshot wounds on Nursery Street, police investigating.
来自斯普林菲尔德的19岁的Matthew Chaney被确认为凶杀案受害人,星期六清晨在托儿所街被枪伤。 Matthew Chaney, a 19-year-old from Springfield, was identified as the homicide victim found with gunshot wounds on Nursery Street early Saturday morning. 警方于上午12时35分左右对一个 " shotSpotter " 警报作出反应,确认他在现场死亡。 Police responded to a ShotSpotter alert around 12:35 a.m. and confirmed his death at the scene. Springfield警察杀人案股正在调查这一事件,Hampden地区检察官办公室没有公布潜在嫌疑人的详细情况。 The Springfield Police homicide unit is investigating the incident, and the Hampden District Attorney's office has not released details about potential suspects. 提示可以匿名提交。 Tips can be submitted anonymously.