26岁的Aaron Myles在辛辛那提邦德山遭到致命枪击,调查仍在进行中。 26-year-old Aaron Myles was fatally shot in Bond Hill, Cincinnati; investigation ongoing.
26岁的Aaron Myles在周二晚上在辛辛那提邦德山的汽车中被致命枪击身亡。 26-year-old Aaron Myles was fatally shot in his vehicle in Bond Hill, Cincinnati, on Tuesday evening. 警察在花园巷1700街区发现他枪伤,并把他带到辛辛那提大学医疗中心,后来他在那里死亡。 Police found him with gunshot wounds at the 1700 block of Garden Lane and took him to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, where he later died. 调查正在进行中,没有宣布逮捕或嫌疑人。 The investigation is ongoing, with no arrests or suspects announced. 任何有情报的人,请联系辛辛那提警察局凶杀处。 Anyone with information is urged to call the Cincinnati Police Department Homicide Unit.