妻子向亲爱的艾比寻求有关丈夫不良行为的建议。 Wife seeks advice about husband's poor behavior from Dear Abby.
她的丈夫缺乏感恩之心,行为恶劣,甚至把盘子扔到房间对面,于是妻子向亲爱的艾比寻求建议。 A wife seeks advice from Dear Abby after her husband's lack of gratitude and poor behavior escalate to a point where he throws a plate of food across the room. 丈夫是一名大学教授,他很少说“谢谢”,也几乎从不道歉,即便他的妻子试图指出一些基本的礼节。 The husband, a college professor, rarely says "thank you" and almost never apologizes, even when his wife tries to point out common courtesies. 妻子对丈夫的行为以及他拒绝改变的态度越来越担心。 The wife is growing increasingly concerned about her husband's behavior and his refusal to change.