菲律宾召见中国外交官,就南海海岸警卫队和渔船的存在提出抗议,称他们是民兵;这是今年第 20 次抗议。 Philippines summons Chinese diplomat over South China Sea coast guard and fishing vessel presence, citing them as militias; 20th protest this year.
菲律宾召见中国外交官,抗议中国海警和渔船在南海的活动,马尼拉声称这些是民兵。 The Philippines has summoned a Chinese diplomat to protest against China's coast guard and fishing vessels in the South China Sea, which Manila claims are militias. 这是今年针对中国的第20次抗议,也是本届政府执政以来第153次抗议之一。 This is the 20th protest against China this year and one of 153 under the current administration. 代表团副团长被传唤前来听取这些担忧。 The deputy chief of mission was called to hear the concerns.