SteelAsia 为八打雁省 180 亿比索钢厂获得 83 亿比索贷款,该钢厂计划于 2025 年开始生产。 SteelAsia secures P8.3B loan for P18B steel mill in Batangas, set to begin production in 2025.
SteelAsia Manufacturing Corp. 从 GSIS、DBP 和 PBB 获得 83 亿比索贷款,用于完成其位于八打雁省 Lemery 的价值 180 亿比索的型钢厂项目。 SteelAsia Manufacturing Corp. secures a P8.3 billion loan from GSIS, DBP, and PBB to complete its P18-billion steel section mill in Lemery, Batangas. 该首座工厂预计将于 2025 年投入生产,替代进口型钢,降低建设成本,并为菲律宾创造就业机会。 The first-of-its-kind plant is expected to begin production in 2025, substituting imported steel sections, reducing construction costs, and creating jobs in the Philippines. 目前,该国80%以上的钢铁需求依赖进口。 The country currently relies on imports for over 80% of its steel requirements.