总统乔·拜登赢得波多黎各民主党初选。 President Joe Biden won Puerto Rico's Democratic primary.
总统乔·拜登周日在波多黎各赢得民主党初选,尽管该美国领土的居民没有资格在总统选举中投票。 President Joe Biden won the Democratic primary in Puerto Rico on Sunday, although residents of the U.S. territory are not allowed to vote in presidential elections. 由于最近采取的紧缩措施,波多黎各仅开设了十几个投票中心,而前几年则开设了超过 100 个。 Puerto Rico opened only a dozen voting centers compared to over 100 in previous years due to recent austerity measures. 岛上民主党还选出了 8 月底在芝加哥举行的全国民主党代表大会的 65 名代表中的 36 名。 The island's Democrats also chose 36 of 65 delegates for the National Democratic Convention in Chicago in late August.