拜登宣布为住宅太阳能项目提供 70 亿美元联邦政府补助。 Biden announces $7B in federal grants for residential solar projects.
拜登在世界地球日之际宣布联邦政府将拨款 70 亿美元用于住宅太阳能项目,为 90 多万个中低收入家庭提供服务。 Biden marks Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in federal grants for residential solar projects, set to serve 900,000+ low- and middle-income households. 这些拨款由环境保护署颁发,是拜登应对气候变化努力的一部分。 The grants are awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency and are part of Biden's efforts to tackle climate change. 这些项目预计每年将减少 3000 万公吨二氧化碳排放,并为家庭节省 3.5 亿美元。 These projects are expected to reduce emissions by 30 million metric tons of CO2 and save households $350 million annually.