内政部从《减少通货膨胀法》中投资71亿加元,用于13个部落社区电气化。 The Department of the Interior invests $71M from the Inflation Reduction Act to electrify 13 Tribal communities.
作为拜登总统对美国投资倡议的一部分,内政部宣布投资7 100万美元,用于13个部落社区电气化。 The Department of the Interior announced a $71 million investment to electrify 13 Tribal communities as part of President Biden's Investing in America initiative. 这笔资金来自《减少通货膨胀法》,目的是在印度国家改善电力供应和促进清洁能源。 This funding, from the Inflation Reduction Act, aims to improve electricity access and promote clean energy in Indian Country. 该倡议包括向Rosebud和Pand Rock Sioux部落等提供大量赠款,并支持向零排放能源系统过渡,解决长期存在的能源差距。 The initiative includes significant grants to the Rosebud and Standing Rock Sioux Tribes, among others, and supports the transition to zero-emissions energy systems, addressing longstanding energy gaps.