宣布为加州中部运河太阳能项目提供资金。 Funding announced for canal solar project in Central California.
加州获得由拜登通胀削减法案资助的 1500 万美元用于三角洲-门多塔运河浮动太阳能项目。 California receives $15 million for the Delta-Mendota Canal Floating Solar Project, funded by the Biden Inflation Reduction Act. 这个为期五年的项目旨在研究使用浮动太阳能电池板产生可再生能源,减少蒸发,并评估运河太阳能技术的可行性。 The 5-year project aims to study the use of floating solar panels to generate renewable energy, reduce evaporation, and assess the viability of solar over canal technology. 该项目是分配给加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州和犹他州水利项目的1950万美元的一部分。 The project is part of $19.5 million allocated for water projects in California, Oregon, and Utah.