荷兰学者 Wim Naude 博士因被 UCC 不公平解雇而获得 30 万欧元的赔偿。 Dutch academic Dr. Wim Naude receives €300,000 compensation for unfair dismissal from UCC.
荷兰学者 Wim Naude 博士因被科克大学 (UCC) 不公平解雇而获得 30 万欧元的赔偿。 Dutch academic Dr. Wim Naude awarded €300,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal from University College Cork (UCC). 诺德于 2021 年疫情期间受聘,但由于住房危机而难以搬到爱尔兰,随后被解雇。 Hired in 2021 during the pandemic, Naude was fired after struggling to move to Ireland due to the housing crisis. 工作场所关系委员会认为 UCC 的行为“令人震惊”,这是该委员会向个人员工颁发的第三高奖项。 The Workplace Relations Commission deemed UCC's actions "egregious," marking the third-highest award ever made to an individual employee by the commission.