在美国国家核安全局PRO-X计划的框架下,韩美将合作优化韩国出口研究反应堆的防核扩散性能。 South Korea and the US will collaborate on optimizing nuclear proliferation resistance in South Korean research reactors for export under the US National Nuclear Security Administration's PRO-X program.
韩美将合作优化韩国出口研究反应堆的防核扩散能力。 South Korea and the US will collaborate on optimizing nuclear proliferation resistance in South Korea's research reactors for export. 他们计划在美国国家核安全局的防扩散优化-X(PRO-X)计划下共同设计研究反应堆和相关设施。 They plan to work together on designing research reactors and related facilities under the US National Nuclear Security Administration's Proliferation Resistance Optimisation-X (PRO-X) program. 防止扩散的目的是防止核材料被转移或未申报生产,以及核技术被滥用来获取核武器。 Proliferation resistance aims to prevent the diversion or undeclared production of nuclear material and misuse of technology to acquire nuclear weapons.