喀拉拉邦坎努尔区 4 名投票站官员因未能阻止外界干涉而被停职。 4 polling officials in Kerala's Kannur district were suspended for failing to prevent outside interference.
4 月 18 日,喀拉拉邦坎努尔区的四名投票官员因在一名 92 岁妇女的家中投票期间未能阻止外界干扰而被停职。 Four polling officials in Kerala's Kannur district were suspended for failing to prevent outside interference during home voting for a 92-year-old woman on April 18. 地区收税员阿伦·K·维贾扬 (Arun K. Vijayan) 建议有关部门采取行动,并对这些官员展开警方调查,他指出,该事件违反了 1951 年《人民代表法》和《印度刑法典》第 171(c) 条。 District Collector Arun K. Vijayan recommended departmental action and a police investigation against the officials, stating that the incident violated the Representation of the People Act, 1951, and Section 171(c) of the Indian Penal Code. 喀拉拉邦人民院投票定于 4 月 26 日举行,计票将于 6 月 4 日进行。 The Lok Sabha polling in Kerala is scheduled for April 26, with counting to be conducted on June 4.