奥里萨邦博德的一名女教师因违反 ECI 规定而被停职。 Female school teacher in Boudh, Odisha suspended for violating ECI rules.
奥里萨邦博德的一名女教师因参加选举集会而遭到地区选举官兼地区收税员的停职,该行为违反了印度选举委员会 (ECI) 的规定和奥里萨邦政府公务员行为准则。 A female school teacher in Boudh, Odisha was suspended by the district election officer-cum-district collector for attending an election rally in violation of Election Commission of India (ECI) rules and Odisha Government Servant's Conduct Rules. 这名来自达希亚政府节点高中的老师参加了坎塔马尔选区的一场政治集会。 The teacher, from Government Nodal High School at Dahya, participated in a political rally in Kantamal Assembly constituency. 她的停职立即生效。 Her suspension became effective immediately.