在西德克萨斯州的敖德萨,警方正在追捕一名枪击劫车嫌疑人。 In Odessa, West Texas, police are pursuing a shooting-carjacking suspect.
西德克萨斯州警方正在搜捕一名涉嫌在敖德萨枪杀和劫车的嫌疑人。 West Texas police are searching for a suspect involved in a shooting death and carjacking in Odessa. 据报道,犯罪嫌疑人驾驶一辆黑色福特野马,在搏斗过程中枪杀了一名房主,随后偷走了汽车。 The suspect, driving a black Ford Mustang, reportedly shot a homeowner during a struggle before stealing the car. 劫车者已换乘一辆棕褐色雪佛兰 Tahoe 并朝汤姆格林县和圣安吉洛方向行驶,执法人员正在追捕。 The carjacker has switched to a tan Chevy Tahoe and is now headed towards Tom Green County and San Angelo, with law enforcement in pursuit. 尚未有其他人员受伤的报告。 No other injuries have been reported.