嫌疑人在蒙哥马利县与警官发生的枪击事件中丧生。 Suspect killed in officer-involved shooting in Montgomery County.
在对可能的连环抢劫嫌疑人进行多机构调查期间,嫌疑人在蒙哥马利县橡树岭的警官枪击事件中死亡。 Suspect dead in officer-involved shooting in Montgomery County's Oak Ridge during multi-agency investigation into a possible serial robbery suspect. 休斯顿警察局和哈里斯县治安官办公室证实,他们的人员在合作侦破此案时开枪打死了一名嫌疑人。 The Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriff's Office confirmed their personnel opened fire and killed a suspect as they worked together on the case. 蒙哥马利县治安官办公室将处理枪击事件的调查。 The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office will be handling the shooting investigation.