58 岁男子在多纳尔森 Food Lion 停车场企图抢劫时被枪杀;嫌疑人在逃。 58-year-old man shot in attempted robbery at Food Lion parking lot in Donelson; suspect at large.
纳什维尔警方正在寻找一名嫌疑人,该嫌疑人涉嫌在多纳尔森的 Food Lion 停车场企图抢劫时枪杀了一名 58 岁男子。 Nashville police are searching for a suspect who allegedly shot a 58-year-old man during an attempted robbery in a Food Lion parking lot in Donelson. 嫌疑人是一名 20 多岁的黑人男性,身穿黑色连帽衫、灰色牛仔裤,戴着滑雪面罩。 The suspect is a Black male in his 20s, wearing a black hoodie, gray jeans, and a ski mask. 受害人情况不明,嫌疑人徒步逃离现场。 The victim's condition is unknown, and the suspect fled the scene on foot. 此事件正在发展中,预计将发布更多信息。 This incident is a developing story, with more information expected to be released.