爱尔兰无家可归慈善机构西北西蒙社区 (North West Simon Community) 因资金短缺而停止运营,进入破产管理程序并转让财产。 North West Simon Community, an Irish homelessness charity, ceases operations due to funding shortage, entering receivership and transferring properties.
西北西蒙社区 (North West Simon Community) 是爱尔兰多尼戈尔、利特里姆和斯莱戈的一家无家可归慈善机构,由于缺乏增加资金,该机构计划停止运营。 North West Simon Community, a homelessness charity in Ireland's Donegal, Leitrim, and Sligo, plans to cease operations due to a lack of increased funding. 该组织将进入破产程序,致力于将其财产转让给另一个经批准的住房机构或地方当局。 The organization will go into receivership and focus on transferring its properties to another approved housing body or local authority. 该慈善机构的关闭影响了 19 套公寓和 2 栋房屋,但没有重大债务。 The charity's closure affects 19 apartments and 2 houses, with no significant debt.