新南威尔士州联合教会将位于奥兰治的一座列入遗产名录的建筑改建为一座现代化的寄宿学校式无家可归者收容所。 Uniting Church in NSW converts heritage-listed building into a modern boarding school-style homeless facility in Orange.
新南威尔士州联合教会正在将一座列入遗产名录的建筑改建为一所拥有七间卧室的现代化寄宿学校式设施,为无家可归者提供住所,以解决奥兰治的社会住房危机。 The Uniting Church in NSW is converting a heritage-listed building into a modern, seven-bedroom boarding school-style facility for the homeless, addressing the social housing crisis in Orange. 该教堂之前曾用大篷车安置无家可归的人,但发现无法满足需求。 The church previously housed homeless people in a caravan but found it insufficient for demand. 更多永久性住房的想法源自社区互动以及对住房危机的持久解决方案的需求。 The idea for more permanent housing came from community interactions and the need for a lasting solution to the housing crisis.