古吉拉特邦商人和妻子捐赠 20 亿卢比,在孩子们出家后成为耆那教僧侣。 Gujarat businessman and wife donate Rs 200 crore, become Jain monks after children adopt monkhood.
古吉拉特邦商人 Bhavesh Bhai Bhandari 和他的妻子捐出了他们全部的 20 亿卢比积蓄,并成为了耆那教僧侣,过上了虔诚的精神生活。 A Gujarat businessman, Bhavesh Bhai Bhandari, and his wife have donated their entire life savings of Rs 200 crore and embraced a life of spiritual devotion by becoming Jain monks. 这对夫妇居住在 Himmatnagar,他们在二月份举行的一场仪式上做出了这一捐赠。 The couple, who reside in Himmatnagar, made this contribution during a ceremony held in February. 班达里 (Bhandari) 家族以从事建筑业而闻名,在他们的孩子(16 岁的儿子和 19 岁的女儿)于 2022 年出家为僧后,该家族也选择了过上出家的生活。 The Bhandari family, known for their involvement in the construction industry, has chosen to embrace a life of renunciation after their children, a 16-year-old son and 19-year-old daughter, adopted monkhood in 2022.