印度教贾格鲁蒂·塞内 (Jagruthi Sene) 对卡纳塔克邦护士阿什维尼 (Ashwini) 和鲁比卡 (Rubika) 向警方提出投诉,称她们涉嫌在政府经营的医疗中心提供金钱并让人们皈依基督教。 Hindu Jagruthi Sene filed a police complaint against Karnataka nurses Ashwini and Rubika for allegedly offering money and converting people to Christianity in a government-run health center.
印度教徒 Jagruthi Sene 对两名卡纳塔克邦护士 Ashwini 和 Rubika 向警方提出投诉,指控他们试图在卡拉布拉吉区皈依宗教。 Hindu Jagruthi Sene filed a police complaint against two Karnataka nurses, Ashwini and Rubika, for attempting religious conversion in Kalaburagi district. 投诉称,在拉特卡尔村政府运营的初级健康和福利中心,护士们提供金钱并让人们皈依基督教。 The complaint states that the nurses offered money and converted people to Christianity at the government-run Primary Health and Welfare Centre in Ratkal village. 印度教徒 Jagruthi Sene 指责护士邀请宗教传教士并在村里制造公共骚乱。 The Hindu Jagruthi Sene accused the nurses of inviting religious preachers and creating communal unrest in the village.