由于创纪录的高温和干旱,西澳大利亚的森林和灌木丛发生了类似 2010-11 年的大规模植物死亡事件。 2010-11-like mass plant death event occurs in Western Australia's forests and shrublands due to record-breaking heat and drought.
由于西澳大利亚州经历了有记录以来最干旱的六个月和最炎热的夏季,该地区的森林和灌木丛正在经历严重的死亡,而且情况预计还会恶化。 Western Australia's forests and shrublands are experiencing a severe die-off due to the region's driest six months and hottest summer on record, with the situation expected to worsen. 研究表明,植物比以前认为的更容易受到热浪的侵袭。 Studies indicate that plants are more vulnerable to heatwaves than previously believed. 这种大规模植物死亡事件与珊瑚白化事件相当,全球变暖可能会导致更频繁地发生此类事件。 This mass plant death event is comparable to coral bleaching, and global warming is likely to cause more regular occurrences. 2010年至2011年,西澳大利亚近20%的植被因类似情况死亡。 In 2010-11, nearly 20% of Western Australian vegetation died from similar conditions.