海湾搜救队对莫克姆湾发生的多起事件做出了响应,营救了遛狗者,提供了潮汐建议,救助了一名妇女和她的狗,并参与了大规模失踪人员搜寻。 Bay Search and Rescue responded to multiple incidents in Morecambe Bay, rescuing dog walkers, providing tidal advice, aiding a woman and her dog, and participated in a large-scale search for a missing person.
海湾搜救队 (BSAR) 对莫克姆湾发生的多起事件做出了响应,救出了被涨潮困住的遛狗者,并参与了大规模失踪人员搜寻。 Bay Search and Rescue (BSAR) responded to multiple incidents in Morecambe Bay, rescuing dog walkers trapped by a rising tide and participating in a large-scale search for a missing person. BSAR 为游客提供潮汐建议,帮助一名被困在沟壑中的妇女救出她的狗,并与其他机构联合搜寻失踪人员,使用无人机协助搜寻困难地区。 BSAR provided tidal advice to visitors, aided a woman stuck in a gully while rescuing her dog, and joined forces with other agencies for the missing person search, using drones to aid in searching difficult areas. 尽管付出了努力,但失踪人员仍未找到。 Despite efforts, the missing person was not found.