港19公里外, 困在海边的渔民在发动机故障后被新南威尔士州海事救援队救出. 19km off Shellharbour, stranded fishermen rescued by Marine Rescue NSW after engine failure.
新南威尔士州海洋救援局(Marine Rescue NSW)救起了发动机故障后在Shellharbour附近19公里处搁浅的渔民。 Fishermen stranded 19km off Shellharbour after engine failure were rescued by Marine Rescue NSW. 船员与新南威尔士海军陆战队救援人员联系,大大缩短了反应时间,安全地被拖回Shellharbour Marina。 The crew contacted Marine Rescue NSW, significantly reducing response time, and were towed safely back to Shellharbour Marina. 新南威尔士州海上救援检查员斯图尔特·梅西(Stuart Massey)强调了在紧急情况发生之前登录的重要性,这可以使用他们的应用程序或VHF 16频道来完成,以在遇险情况下节省时间。 Marine Rescue NSW Inspector Stuart Massey emphasized the importance of logging on before emergencies, which can be done using their app or VHF channel 16, to save time during distress situations.