25 岁的安德烈·克利夫顿因向一间有人的公寓开枪而被克拉克斯维尔警方通缉,他因严重家庭暴力而被发出 4 项逮捕令,并被认为持有武器且十分危险。 25-year-old Andre Clifton, wanted by Clarksville police for firing into an occupied apartment, has 4 warrants for aggravated domestic assault and is considered armed and dangerous.
25 岁的安德烈·克利夫顿因涉嫌于 4 月 12 日向一间有人的公寓开了六枪而被克拉克斯维尔警方通缉。 25-year-old Andre Clifton is wanted by Clarksville police for allegedly firing six shots into an occupied apartment on April 12. 克利夫顿因严重家庭暴力而被四次通缉,最后一次出现时他驾驶的是一辆黑色的 2012 款雪佛兰 Impala。 Clifton has four warrants for aggravated domestic assault and was last seen in a black 2012 Chevrolet Impala. 警方建议民众不要接近他,因为他持有武器并且很危险。 Police advise citizens not to approach him, as he is considered armed and dangerous. 此次事件并未造成人员伤亡。 No injuries were reported in the incident.