44岁的Cedric Tinker在阿拉巴马州Tuscaloosa进行心理健康评估期间试图解除一名警官的武装。 44-year-old Cedric Tinker attempted to disarm a police officer during a mental health evaluation in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Cedric Leon Tinker, 44岁,在阿拉巴马州Tuscaloosa被捕,当时他在心理健康评估期间试图解除一名警官的武装。 Cedric Leon Tinker, 44, was arrested in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, after attempting to disarm a police officer during a mental health evaluation. 在他有危机的家属报告后,一些官员来送他去治疗。 Following family reports of his crisis, officers arrived to transport him for treatment. Tinker抵抗,成为侵略者,并开枪射击军官的武器,没有伤及任何人。 Tinker resisted, becoming aggressive and firing the officer's weapon without injuring anyone. 他面临谋杀未遂、解除一名执法人员的武装和二级攻击的指控,并且没有保释。 He faces charges of attempted murder, disarming a law enforcement officer, and second-degree assault, and is held without bond.