53岁的Charles McPhail因向有有效逮捕令的打电话者开枪和拒捕而被捕。 53-year-old Charles McPhail was arrested for shooting at a caller, having an active warrant, and resisting police.
Kinston警察在答复关于向S. McDaniels街开枪的报告后逮捕了53岁的Charles McPhail。 Kinston police arrested 53-year-old Charles McPhail after responding to reports of shots fired on S. McDaniels Street. 据称McPhail在展示火器时向打电话的人开枪。 McPhail allegedly shot at a caller while displaying a firearm. 他还持有与这一事件无关的有效搜查令。 He also had an active warrant unrelated to this incident. 警官试图说服他离开住所,但最终不得不进入,才逮捕他。 Officers attempted to persuade him to exit his residence but ultimately had to enter to make the arrest. McPhail现在面临多项指控,包括指着枪攻击和反抗一名公职人员。 McPhail now faces multiple charges, including assault by pointing a gun and resisting a public officer.