埃克森美孚、中海油和赫斯就赫斯在圭亚那的股份展开仲裁,这可能会推迟雪佛龙 530 亿美元的收购。 Exxon, CNOOC, and Hess engage in arbitration over Hess's Guyana stake, potentially delaying Chevron's $53bn acquisition.
埃克森美孚、中海油和赫斯公司卷入一场仲裁案,这可能会将雪佛龙以 530 亿美元收购赫斯的交易推迟到明年。 Exxon Mobil, CNOOC, and Hess Corp are involved in an arbitration case that could delay Chevron's $53bn acquisition of Hess until next year. 埃克森美孚和中海油向国际商会提起诉讼,寻求对赫斯在圭亚那斯塔布鲁克区块的股份拥有优先购买权。 Exxon and CNOOC filed cases with the International Chamber of Commerce seeking a right to first refusal over Hess's stake in Guyana's Stabroek Block. 赫斯的目标是在 2024 年第三季度之前完成仲裁,并在年底前完成,但具体完成日期尚不确定。 Hess aims to have the arbitration heard by Q3 2024, with a completion by year-end, but the exact completion date is uncertain.