莫桑比克渡轮在北部海岸沉没,造成 90 多人死亡。 More than 90 people died as Mozambique ferry sinks off northern coast.
一艘渡轮在莫桑比克北部海岸沉没,造成 90 多人死亡,船上载有 120 多人。 More than 90+ people were killed and over 120 were on board when a ferry sank off the north coast of Mozambique. 楠普拉省国务秘书海梅·内托 (Jaime Neto) 表示,渡轮上的乘客是为了逃离霍乱疫情。 The ferry passengers were fleeing a cholera outbreak, according to Jaime Neto, the Secretary of State for Nampula province. 该船因过度拥挤,不适合载客,导致其沉没。 The boat was overcrowded and unsuitable for carrying passengers, leading to its sinking. 调查人员正在努力寻找灾难的原因。 Investigators are working to find the cause of the disaster. 五人获救,其中两人正在接受治疗。 Five people were rescued, two of whom are receiving medical treatment.