一名男子在丘拉维斯塔的中心街被枪杀。 A man was shot dead on Chula Vista's Center Street.
一名 36 岁的男子在丘拉维斯塔中心街的枪击事件中丧生;警方在事件发生后不久逮捕了一名嫌疑人。 A 36-year-old man was killed in a shooting on Chula Vista's Center Street; police arrested a suspect shortly after the incident. 受害者被发现上身有多处枪伤,并在附近一家医院被宣布死亡。 The victim was found with multiple gunshot wounds to his upper body and was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. 嫌疑人驾驶一辆带有明显标记的白色皮卡车逃离现场,但在午夜后不久沿 H 街向西行驶时被警方抓获。 The suspect fled the scene in a white pickup truck with distinctive markings but was apprehended by police shortly after midnight driving west on H Street.