德国的官僚主义和陈旧规程:为什么加强欧洲的火车网络对于备战至关重要。 German bureaucracy and old gauges: why boosting Europe’s train network is vital to prepare for war.
由于德国铁路轨距陈旧、官僚主义障碍以及优先考虑客运和货运而非军事硬件,北约在欧洲铁路网络中面临后勤挑战。 NATO faces logistical challenges in Europe's train network due to Germany's aged gauges, bureaucratic hurdles, and prioritization of passenger and commercial freight over military hardware. 这阻碍了快速运输军事装备、车辆和部队以应对俄罗斯的威胁。 This hinders rapid transport of military equipment, vehicles, and troops in response to threats from Russia. 北约联合支援与支援司令部(JSEC)正在与德国、荷兰和波兰等国家就军事走廊进行谈判,以提高军事机动性。 NATO's Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC) is negotiating deals for military corridors in countries like Germany, Netherlands, and Poland to improve military mobility.