研究发现,拉丁裔孕妇基于文化食物偏好的饮食选择可能会影响先兆子痫的风险。 Study finds that dietary choices among pregnant Latinas based on cultural food preferences can influence preeclampsia risk.
研究表明,拉丁裔孕妇的饮食选择会影响先兆子痫的风险。 Study reveals that dietary choices among pregnant Latinas can impact preeclampsia risk. 基于文化食物偏好而不是美国政府标准的饮食对预防这种疾病更有效。 A diet based on cultural food preferences, rather than U.S. government benchmarks, is more effective in preventing the condition. 研究表明,食用固体脂肪、精制谷物和奶酪会增加先兆子痫的发病率,而水果、蔬菜和用健康油制成的食物则会降低风险。 The study showed that consuming solid fats, refined grains, and cheese increased preeclampsia rates, while fruits, vegetables, and meals made with healthy oils decreased the risk.