36 岁的林肯男子马修·罗斯 (Matthew Ross) 在内布拉斯加州进行多县追捕,试图逃跑以避免被捕和故意鲁莽驾驶,随后被捕。 36-year-old Lincoln man, Matthew Ross, was arrested after a multi-county chase through Nebraska for flight to avoid arrest and willful reckless driving.
36 岁的林肯男子马修·罗斯 (Matthew Ross) 在内布拉斯加州带领当局进行多县追捕后被捕。 36-year-old Lincoln man, Matthew Ross, was arrested after leading authorities on a multi-county chase through Nebraska. 追捕始于巴特勒县警长办公室的警员试图检查一辆被拦下的车辆时,发现该车已逃跑。 The pursuit began when Butler County sheriff's deputies tried to check on a stopped vehicle and found it had fled. 当局在巴特勒县、波尔克县和梅里克县追捕罗斯,然后将他拦下。他因涉嫌逃跑以避免被捕和故意鲁莽驾驶而被捕。 Authorities chased Ross through Butler, Polk, and Merrick counties before stopping him, and he was arrested on suspicion of flight to avoid arrest and willful reckless driving.